HCT Pulse Platform Suite
HCT Pulse Platform is made up of a suite of automated and analytical services to further optimize the customer experience and optimization of your facility management and SCADA systems.

24/7 Monitoring & Response
With a growing need for immediate response for critical environments HCT offers the HCT PULSE Suite of programs designed to suit the needs of your current and growing organization. HCT offers critical monitoring and a 24/7 response program to answer the call when no one else can.
Analytics & Building Performance
HCT Pulse at its core offers a solution for real time Pulse monitoring of your building’s past, current and future performance and efficiency. Pulse is an analytical framework that manages and analyzes extreme amounts of data identifying underperforming equipment and parameters of your building’s operation to save you on operating costs and equipment inefficiencies. Advanced alarming and reporting identifies inadequacies within the operation of your building and allows for the customer to rectify issues before wasting large amounts of human and monetary resources on poorly operating infrastructures.

Data Storage & Wireless Connectivity
As the internet of things continues to expand and the continued need for longer duration periods of data storage comes a need for an ancillary source of data storage for future analyzation and data mining. HCT Pulse Hub is a subscription service that allows for web hosting and data storage on HCT’s virtual server. HCT offers redundant and primary server space for important Validated and Critical data required for regulatory and analytical reporting.
Remote System & Alarming Console Access
The Pulse suite offers in additional to 24/7 response, a functional real-time dashboard service that actively reports on critical alarming functions from your system. The Pulse portal also allows for its customers to actively view their system through dedicated login credentials when hosted though Pulse Secure access allows for management of their FMS system. In the near future all service requests shall also be submitted and managed through the pulse portal.